View osci data
1 Create this program step by step with or VisualC++ 6.0

The data in the file are only a long list of floats, as you can see in the list on the right

We skip the first 4 lines and then we scan line by line
info: if your data file uses commas instead of dots, you must convert all commas to dots

if you don't have tektronix oscilloscope to save a data file, download this file:
download the osci data file (zipped 9Kbyte)
  • Create a MFC project named osci and choose SDI "Single Document" Maximized

  • Open file osciView.cpp and search:
  • void CosciView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/)
  • Change this line into:
  • void CosciView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
    info: with VisualC++ 6.0 this line needs no change

  • Add code to have the same function as below

  • Compile and see the axis
  • void CosciView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
    	CosciDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
    	if (!pDoc)
    	// TODO: add draw code for native data here
    #define x0 50
    #define y0 400
            pDC -> MoveTo(x0,y0);				  // X axis	
    	pDC -> LineTo(x0+1000,y0);
    	pDC -> MoveTo(x0,y0 - 300);			 // Y axis
    	pDC -> LineTo(x0,y0 + 300);
    	// ==>>  code 01	
  • open the file osciDoc.cpp

  • insert the variable iFilesize and cBuffer

  • info: these are global variables
    // osciDoc.cpp : implementation of the CosciDoc class
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "osci.h"
    #include "osciDoc.h"
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #define new DEBUG_NEW
    unsigned int iFileSize;
    char cBuffer[100000];
  • now insert the code in function: Serialize

  • insert only one line
    void CosciDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
    	if (ar.IsStoring())
    		// TODO: add storing code here
    		// TODO: add loading code here
    		iFileSize = ar.Read(cBuffer,100000);
  • Have you tested the program ? Everthing okay?

  • In the file osciView.cpp we declare the same variables as in osciDoc.cpp, but as extern

  • we need some more variables.
    info: you can declare all as class variables in the header files, but
    we take the simplest way and use global variables
    // osciView.cpp : implementation of the CosciView class
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "osci.h"
    #include "osciDoc.h"
    #include "osciView.h"
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #define new DEBUG_NEW
    #define LF 0x0A 
    extern unsigned int iFileSize;
    extern char cBuffer[];
    char *ptr1,*ptr2;
    float fosciValue;
    int xx,yy;
    int ii;
  • Now we extend the code in function OnDraw

  • info: if the cBuffer is empty then iFilesize has the value zero and we return;
    otherwise, we set the pointer ptr1 at the beginning of cBuffer and ptr2 at the end
    	// ==>>  code 01	
    	if(iFileSize == 0) return;
    	ptr1     = cBuffer;
    	ptr2     = ptr1 + iFileSize;	
    	// ==>>  code 02	
  • We skip the first 4 lines

  • info: as long as the value of pointer ptr1 is not equal LineFeed, ptr1 is incremented
    at last ptr1 must be incremented to skip LF
    	// ==>>  code 02
    	while(ii--) 			// skip the first 4 lines
    	while(*ptr1 != LF ) ptr1++;	// search Line Feed
    	ptr1++;				// skip Line Feed
    	// ==>>  code 03
  • Now we can insert the line scan code and draw the osci data

  • info: first we set the pen with MoveTo onto the origin of the axis
    we set the X-Axis index xx to zero
    we remain in the loop until ptr1(beginning of cBuffer) is lower than ptr2 (end of cBuffer)
    The function sscanf is a very old C function and always works very well.
    Multiply with a factor and then the value is saved as integer into the variable yy
    Now we can draw with LineTo a line from the last point
    As there are too many data we always skip 10 lines
    	// ==>>  code 03
    	pDC -> MoveTo(x0,y0);	
    	while(ptr1 < ptr2)
        	fosciValue *= 200;
    	yy = (int)fosciValue;
    	pDC->LineTo(x0+xx,y0 - yy); xx++;
    	while(ii--) {	while(*ptr1 != LF ) ptr1++;   ptr1++; } // skip 10 lines
  • control Your OnDraw
  • If everything is okay, start the program and open the file TEK00000.DAT
  • void CosciView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
    	CosciDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
    	if (!pDoc)
    	// TODO: add draw code for native data here
    #define x0 50
    #define y0 400
            pDC -> MoveTo(x0,y0);				  // X axis	
    	pDC -> LineTo(x0+1000,y0);
    	pDC -> MoveTo(x0,y0 - 300);			  // Y axis
    	pDC -> LineTo(x0,y0 + 300);
    	// ==>>  code 01
    	if(iFileSize == 0) return;
    	ptr1     = cBuffer;
    	ptr2     = ptr1 + iFileSize;
    	// ==>>  code 02
    	while(ii--) {	while(*ptr1 != LF ) ptr1++;   ptr1++; } // skip the first 4 lines
    	// ==>>  code 03
    	pDC -> MoveTo(x0,y0);	
    	while(ptr1 < ptr2)
        	fosciValue *= 200;
    	yy = (int)fosciValue;
    	pDC->LineTo(x0+xx,y0 - yy); xx++;
    	while(ii--) {	while(*ptr1 != LF ) ptr1++;   ptr1++; } // skip 10 lines