Code examples

High Level Code generation in C, C++, Visual C++
send result to rs232 and read it with a program on the PC

a program to view the value of bytes over RS232 from HCS12

#include <hidef.h>               /* common defines and macros */
#include <MC9S12XEP100.h>        /* derivative information */
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xep100"
unsigned int iCounter;
unsigned char cChan10; 
unsigned char cStatus;

void main(void)
  DDRB   = 0xFF;    // PORTB all outputs  
  PORTB  = 0xAA;    // initialize PORTB 
  DDRA   = 0xFF;    // PORTA all outputs
  DDRC   = 0xFF;    // only for EVBS12XEP100
  DDRD   = 0xFF;
  PORTC  = 0;
  PORTD  = 0;  
  // SCI init
  SCI0BDH = 0;                     
        SCI0BDL = 13;    // 9600 Baud at 4Mhz E-clock
  SCI0CR1 = 0;            //Initialize for 8-bit Data Format
         SCI0CR2 = 0x0C;         //[TIE,TCIE,RIE,ILIE,TE,RE,RWU,SBK]  no interrupt
  // Configures the ATD peripheral
  ATD0CTL1 = 0x10;  // 0001 0000   8 Bit Data Resolution and discharge before convert 
  // 0000 1000   left justified data, 1 conversion sequence  and non-FIFO mode 
  ATD0CTL3 = 0x08;  
  // fBUS=2MHz, fATDCLK = 1 MHz (PRESCALER=0) Select 24 Sample Time
  ATD0CTL4 = 0xE0;   // 1110 0000
         ATD0CTL5 = 0x0A; // start a conversion on channel 10
  for(;;) {
  iCounter = 30000;                          // delay time
        while(iCounter > 0) iCounter--;
        PORTB  ^= 0xFF;  // PORTB blinking
        cChan10     = ATD0DR0H;
        PORTA   = 0;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x10) PORTA=0x01;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x30) PORTA=0x03;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x50) PORTA=0x07;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x70) PORTA=0x0F;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x90) PORTA=0x1F;
        if(cChan10 >= 0xB0) PORTA=0x3F;
        if(cChan10 >= 0xD0) PORTA=0x7F;
        if(cChan10 >= 0xE0) PORTA=0xFF;
        ATD0CTL5 = 0x0A; // start a new conversion

         cStatus = SCI0SR1;         
         SCI0DRL = cChan10;
  }// end loop
analog conversion 8Bit, view result at PORTA by steps
#include <hidef.h>               /* common defines and macros */
#include <MC9S12XEP100.h>        /* derivative information */
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xep100"

unsigned int iCounter;
unsigned char cChan10; 

void main(void)
  DDRB   = 0xFF;    // PORTB all outputs  
  PORTB  = 0xAA;    // initialize PORTB 
  DDRA   = 0xFF;    // PORTA all outputs
  DDRC   = 0xFF;    // only for EVBS12XEP100
  DDRD   = 0xFF;
  PORTC  = 0;
  PORTD  = 0;       
  // Configures the ATD peripheral
  ATD0CTL1 = 0x10;  // 0001 0000   8 Bit Data Resolution and discharge before convert 
  // 0000 1000   left justified data, 1 conversion sequence  and non-FIFO mode 
  ATD0CTL3 = 0x08;  
  // fBUS=2MHz, fATDCLK = 1 MHz (PRESCALER=0) Select 24 Sample Time
  ATD0CTL4 = 0xE0;   // 1110 0000
         ATD0CTL5 = 0x0A; // start a conversion on channel 10
  for(;;) {
  iCounter = 30000;                          // delay time
        while(iCounter > 0) iCounter--;
        PORTB  ^= 0xFF;  // PORTB blinking
        cChan10     = ATD0DR0H;
        PORTA   = 0;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x10) PORTA=0x01;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x30) PORTA=0x03;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x50) PORTA=0x07;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x70) PORTA=0x0F;
        if(cChan10 >= 0x90) PORTA=0x1F;
        if(cChan10 >= 0xB0) PORTA=0x3F;
        if(cChan10 >= 0xD0) PORTA=0x7F;
        if(cChan10 >= 0xE0) PORTA=0xFF;
        ATD0CTL5 = 0x0A; // start a new conversion

  }// end loop
analog conversion 8Bit, view result at PORTA
#include <hidef.h>               /* common defines and macros */
#include <MC9S12XEP100.h>        /* derivative information */
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xep100"

unsigned int iCounter; 

void main(void)
  DDRB   = 0xFF;    // PORTB all outputs  
  PORTB  = 0xAA;    // initialize PORTB 
  DDRA   = 0xFF;    // PORTA all outputs
  DDRC   = 0xFF;    // only for EVBS12XEP100
  DDRD   = 0xFF;
  PORTC  = 0;
  PORTD  = 0;       
  // Configures the ATD peripheral
  ATD0CTL1 = 0x10;  // 0001 0000   8 Bit Data Resolution and discharge before convert 
  // 0000 1000   left justified data, 1 conversion sequence  and non-FIFO mode 
  ATD0CTL3 = 0x08;  
  // fBUS=2MHz, fATDCLK = 1 MHz (PRESCALER=0) Select 24 Sample Time
  ATD0CTL4 = 0xE0;   // 1110 0000
         ATD0CTL5 = 0x0A; // start a conversion on channel 10
  for(;;) {
  iCounter = 30000;                          // delay time
        while(iCounter > 0) iCounter--;
        PORTB  ^= 0xFF;  // PORTB blinking
        PORTA      = ATD0DR0H;
        ATD0CTL5 = 0x0A; // start a conversion

  }// end loop
flashing lights runs from left to right and back
#include <hidef.h>               /* common defines and macros */
#include <MC9S12XEP100.h>        /* derivative information */
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xep100"

unsigned int iCounter; 
int direction;

void main(void)
  DDRB      = 0xFF;   // PORTB all outputs  
  PORTB     = 0x01;   // initialize PORTB 
  direction = 1;
  for(;;) {
  iCounter = 60000;                          // delay time
        while(iCounter > 0) iCounter--;

  if(direction == 0) 
          { PORTB = PORTB << 1;
            if(PORTB == 0 ) {direction = 1; PORTB= 0x80;  }
          { PORTB = PORTB >> 1;
            if(PORTB == 0 ) {direction = 0; PORTB= 0x01;  }

  }// end loop
PORTB shift left: flashing ligths
#include <hidef.h>               /* common defines and macros */
#include <MC9S12XEP100.h>        /* derivative information */
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xep100"

unsigned int iCounter; 

void main(void)
  DDRB   = 0xFF;   // PORTB all outputs  
  PORTB  = 0x01;   // initialize PORTB 
  for(;;) {
  iCounter = 60000;                          // delay time
        while(iCounter > 0) iCounter--;
        PORTB = PORTB << 1;      // shift left
        if(PORTB == 0) PORTB = 0x01;

  }// end loop
PORTB all outputs blinks
#include <hidef.h>               /* common defines and macros */
#include <MC9S12XEP100.h>        /* derivative information */
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xep100"

unsigned int iCounter; 

void main(void)
  DDRB   = 0xFF;   // PORTB all outputs  
  PORTB  = 0x01;   // initialize PORTB 
  for(;;) {
  iCounter = 60000;                          // delay time
        while(iCounter > 0) iCounter--;
        PORTB ^= 0xFF;    // invert all bits  

  }// end loop
Selfmade board in expanded mode with external RAM and FLASH
This is a great Evaluation Board to learn about the MC9S12XEP100
the demo board connected to a bread board